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This workshop is for people working in the Family and Domestic Violence sector.

The Patricia Giles Centre for Non-Violence are offering free, 3-hour workshops to the Disability and Family and Domestic Violence sectors with the aim of increasing your confidence and ability to support women and children with disability who are experiencing family and domestic violence. 

Everyone has the right to live a life free from violence, however women and children with disability are at higher risk of experiencing family and domestic violence (FDV).

Patricia Giles Centre for Non-Violence is developing an intersectional approach to service delivery which supports women and children with intellectual or cognitive disability experiencing family and domestic violence. Family & Domestic Violence and Disability is a free three-hour workshop for people working in the FDV sector which aims to increase the confidence and capacity of the family and domestic violence sector to support positive outcomes for people with disability experiencing violence. 

The workshop is available to all who work in the FDV sector in the Perth metropolitan area including, but not limited to, FDV support workers, case workers and more. 

Workshop learning outcomes: 

  • A greater understanding of the intersection of FDV and disability. 
  • An increased awareness of the unique ways people with disability may experience violence.
  • An understanding of the barriers people with disability experience when attempting to access an FDV service.
  • An increased awareness of how FDV workers can modify service delivery to meet the needs of people with disability.
  • Information about effective referral pathways and resources.







A Microsoft Teams invite will be sent to you prior to the event.
Page reviewed 20 October 2020