Community Grants Program

Providing funding to empower culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities in Western Australia to design, deliver and partner on projects that address their needs.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Office of Multicultural Interests (OMI) offers grant funding through its Community Grants Program (CGP) with a total annual budget of $1 million.

The program supports CaLD community-led activities that:

  • celebrate and promote WA's cultural diversity
  • build the capacity of individuals, families and communities to contribute to the civic and economic life of the State
  • improve the accessibility and effectiveness of services.

Funding availability 

Funding through the program is available through regular and annual competitive grant cycles. The funding guidelines and application form for each grant category detail information such as eligibility requirements, what applications can be supported, timing of grant cycles and how to apply. 

Timeframes for the grant application and approval process need to be considered by the organisation when planning the activity to ensure a funding outcome is received before the activity commences. It may take time to first plan the activity before an organisation is ready to develop a grant application. Once an application is submitted, the assessment and approval process may take up to another three months.  

Before commencing an application, organisations should contact the OMI Grants Officer to confirm their eligibility and receive advice about the application requirements and timeframes for submission by emailing

Festivals (funding requests up to $10,000)

This funding category supports CaLD communities to host public events that provide a range of cultural experiences and activities that celebrate the cultural identity of their community.

The festival must be free or low cost, delivered as a singular or contained event, and able to attract participation and attendance of the wider community.

For funding requests over $5000, the application must demonstrate that the event has been delivered before with attendances of 5000 or more.

The Festivals funding guidelines and application form provide information about what can be supported, timeframes for application submission and how to apply.


Application submission dates

  • Round 1. Applications close 4pm Monday 7 October 2024, for projects commencing January onwards. 
  • Round 2. Applications close 4pm Monday 17 February 2025, for projects commencing May onwards. 

Community Capacity Building (funding requests up to $5000)

This funding category supports initiatives that aim to strengthen the skills and abilities of CaLD communities to take leading roles in the development of their community, and that respond to specific needs and issues identified by the community.

The Community Capacity Building funding guidelines and application form provide information about what can be supported, timeframes for application submission and how to apply.


Application submission dates

  • Round 1. Applications close 4pm Monday 9 September 2024, for projects commencing November onwards. 
  • Round 2. Applications close 4pm Monday 2 February 2025, for projects commencing April onwards.
  • Round 3. Applications close 4pm Monday 21 April 2025, for projects commencing July onwards.  

Strategic Projects (funding requests up to $50,000)

This funding category supports capacity building projects that benefit CaLD communities, including those from new and emerging communities, women, seniors, young people and regional communities.

For funding requests over $30,000:

  • the application must also demonstrate that the project is supported by a broader strategy or will deliver long-term benefits for the community; and
  • applicants must work with OMI to complete a ‘strategy planning tool’ prior to receiving the application form.

The Strategic Projects funding guidelines and application form provide information about what can be supported, timeframes for application submission and how to apply.

Application submission dates

  • Round 1. Applications close 4pm Monday 7 October 2024, for projects commencing January onwards. 
  • Round 2. Applications close 4pm Monday 17 February 2025, for projects commencing May onwards.

Strategic Projects (funding requests up to $100,000)

This funding category supports capacity building projects that benefit CaLD communities, including those targeting new and emerging communities, women, seniors, young people and regional communities.

For funding requests over $50,000 the application must also demonstrate:

  • the project is supported a broader strategy or deliver long-term benefits for CaLD communities; and
  • the project will improve the accessibility and effectiveness of services for CaLD communities. 

Projects must be delivered for a minimum 12 months and commence from July 2024 and no later than January 2025.   

Projects must address one of the following priority issues:

  • mental health and wellbeing
  • youth support and development
  • community education
  • family health and safety.

Applicants to this category must be a CaLD community service organisation.

Applications to this category are by invitation from OMI following the submission of an expression of interest (EOI).

Following the submission of an EOI, eligible applicant organisations will be provided an application form and will work with OMI to prepare a full application.


Applicant organisations must be either a CaLD community association or a CaLD community service organisation. 

Definition of culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD)

Culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) was introduced in 1996 to replace 'non-English speaking background' (NESB) and was intended to be a broader, more flexible and inclusive term. It is generally applied to groups and individuals who differ according to religion, language and ethnicity and whose ancestry is other than Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, Anglo Saxon or Anglo Celtic.

Definition of a CaLD community association

To be classified as a culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) community association, the association must demonstrate and provide evidence that they meet the following criteria:

  • The association is incorporated under the Western Australia Associations Incorporation Act 2015.
  • The objectives of the association (in the association's constitution or rules) clearly state that it is specifically established to represent and promote the interests of a CaLD community with a shared country/continent of ancestry, ethnicity, culture, language or religion.
  • The management committee or board of the association predominantly reflects the intended CaLD community and is elected by members of that community to represent the community.
  • The association's membership comprises individuals or other groups representative of that CaLD community.

OMI may accept applications from regional local governments or appropriate regional organisations where there is no other suitable organisation to apply.  Please contact the OMI Grants Officer on 61 8 6552 1603 to discuss eligibility.

Definition of a CaLD community service organisation

To be classified as a culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) community service organisation, the organisation must demonstrate and provide evidence that they meet the following criteria:

  • The association is incorporated under the Western Australia Associations Incorporation Act 2015 , or is a not-for-profit organisation based in Western Australia.
  • The objectives of the organisation (in the organisation's constitution or rules) clearly state that it is specifically established for and its core business and focus is to either:
    • provide support and deliver services and programs to CaLD communities; or
    • represent and advocate for the interests of CaLD communities.
  • The organisation has ongoing operational resourcing and employs paid staff.
  • The management committee or board and staffing profile of the organisation reflects CaLD communities, and it has a commitment to workforce training in cultural competency.
  • The organisation has internal policies and procedures that demonstrate a commitment to multiculturalism and cultural diversity.

An organisation that engages with CaLD communities as an incidental service is not eligible. 

OMI may accept applications from regional local governments or appropriate regional organisations where there is no other suitable organisation to apply.  Please contact the OMI Grants Officer on 61 8 6552 1603 to discuss eligibility.

Additional resources

You may be required to provide these forms with your application:

Project planning resources are also available for download. These resources include a budget template, a project plan template and an Event Management Guide. You are welcome to use these resources to support your grant application and for general project or event planning. ​

Child Safeguarding

Every child has the right to feel safe when participating in arts, cultural, community, sporting and recreation activities. Organisations that undertake child-related work activities have a duty of care to keep children and young people (those aged under 18 years) safe from harm. Protecting children and young people from abuse, discrimination and harassment is both a legal requirement and an ethical obligation. This includes complying with the Working with Children Check (Criminal Record Checking) Act 2004

Organisations that provide services or facilities for children, and receive funding from OMI, are required to complete the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries Child Safeguarding self-assessment tool

Further information about Child Safeguarding and resources that may assist your organisation to protect children and young people are available on the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website. 

Page reviewed 26 August 2024