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For Senior Constable Sam Lim of the Community Engagement Division of WA Police, Harmony Week is one of the best weeks of the year.

“Harmony Week is really important—it creates a great feeling of friendliness for everyone and at the same time is a reminder that we need to think about what we can do better.”

Sam speaks 10 languages and has won many awards for his excellent service and dedication to WA’s culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities.

Sam’s latest award was being named Officer of the Year at the Nine News Police Excellence Awards in December last year for his work in keeping CaLD communities informed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This really means a lot to me. The nominations came from all different communities—I think it was a police record!”

For Sam, harmony is of vital importance for communities.

“We can see everywhere how many different people, and how many different communities there are here in Perth. With multiculturalism—the key word is harmony.

“Among our communities there is a lot of harmony—you can see how friendly everyone is at school, in shopping centres, at social gatherings.

“In my job, I show friendliness to everyone, everywhere I go. I am lucky to have so many friends from so many different communities.”

Sam’s advice for creating harmony every week of the year?

“If you smile at the mirror, the mirror will smile back.

“Start with yourself—if you smile, your good gesture will come back to you from everyone.

“Happy Harmony Week!”
Page reviewed 20 October 2020