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Untitled (352 x 190 px) (352 x 185 px)
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) applies to groups and individuals who differ according to religion, language, and ethnicity, and whose ancestry is other than Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, Anglo-Saxon or Anglo-Celtic. *

The term culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) was introduced in the late 1990s to replace 'Non-English-Speaking Background' (NESB) and was intended to be a broader, more flexible, and inclusive term.

The term is also reflected in the Western Australian Multicultural Policy Framework (WAMPF) launched in 2020, which aims to support the Western Australian Government's vision for an inclusive and harmonious society where everyone has a strong sense of belonging and can participate fully in all aspects of life.

    *CaLD definition as noted in the Western Australian Multicultural Policy Framework (WAMPF)


Page reviewed 08 August 2024