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Multicultural Health Directory

The WA Health Multicultural Health Services Directory has been updated and for the first time is available as an online inventory with access through the WA Health website – Multicultural health services directory.  

The Multicultural Health Services Directory (MHSD) is a compilation of programs and services offered by the Western Australian health system and the community services sector that directly address or are inclusive of health needs of Western Australians of culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds. 

The Directory supports WA Health staff in their efforts toward reducing inequity among consumers of CaLD background and improving their access to programs and services. It offers professionals at WA health and other public, private, and not-for-profit organisations, a reference point for referring consumers to culturally appropriate health and wellbeing services and offering in-language health information and resources as needed.   

Access the directory here: Multicultural health services directory 

Page reviewed 08 August 2024